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This is the best place to find answers to the question “What happened to Daniel O’Brien (non athletic one)?” Once a month, I will send updates on what I’m working on, where you can find/hear me as well as 3-5 book recommendations (or other things I like).

I Promise, it’ll Just be Once a Month

I’m not trying to spam anyone’s inbox; Twitter has historically been the best way for me to update the kind people who’ve been following my comedy writing career since (Jesus Christ) 2007, and Twitter is now shitting itself to death (business term). If you’d like to keep following and supporting me, this is the best way to do it!

Plus Books!

Learn what I’m reading, read it for yourself and then discuss with the rest of the community! Books!

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Funny things, professional updates and recommendations.


Senior Writer for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, author of How to Fight Presidents, Co-Author and Editor for You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News, Head Writer for The De-Textbook. Cracked, After Hours, Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder, etc.