Hey, Thanks for doing this. I've been needing to brush up on some new reading and I like that I can get a recommendation from someone I recognize.

Recently read through your book and I gotta say, NYPL is freaking amazing.

Keep it up kid. Solidarity Forever. Union Strong.

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This is going to be a dumb "hey have you read these books from this popular author?" comment.

Have you read any of Jenny Lawson's books? She is hilarious! Like having to stop reading because I'm laughing too hard hilarious.

Also I'm listening to your audio book, I'm hoping it will help me with Jeopardy! questions. It's helped in that I now know some more names of US presidents.

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You should write a piece on the SBA’s handling of COVID loans to small businesses that closed due to the pandemic. It is predatory and unthinkable and no one is covering it.

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